
Type CreationTree


Int     Index 0. Unique id for the node among all nodes in the tree.
Int     Index 1. Parent’s node id, a value of -1 means it’s a root node.
Int     Index 2. Action index within the transaction to map this creation node to, going depth-first in inline_actions, 0-based indexed.

A CreationTree represents the creation-ordered tree of notifications (require_recipient calls), inline actions (send_inline calls) and context free inline actions (send_context_free_inline calls) as defined in the smart contract. The CreationTree is per transaction and might not be present in the returned response. In this case, it means the creation tree is exactly the same as the execution one.


The opposite is not true however, it is possible to get a CreationTree and it will still be the same as the execution tree. We trim off the CreationTree as a best effort, it still possible to get a CreationTree mapping 1-to-1 with the execution tree. We suggest computing the tree and checking if there are any differences on the client side if you need to be 100% sure they are different in the presence of the field.

The actual creation order can be different than the execution order, this is because the EOSIO platforms first collect the creation of actions and then execute them, some within a totally new context like send_inline or within the current execution context require_recipient. Moreover, the order in which the execution order is performed is fixed, notifications are executed first (as well as the notifications created as a side-effect of the on-going execution of the notification) then context free inline actions and last the inline actions.

Assuming that you have the following sequence of operations in your smart contract:


The creation order is send_context_free_inline, require_recipient, send_inline but the actual execution order and the corresponding execution traces will be in order require_recipient, send_context_free_inline and send_inline instead, quite different!

The CreationTree represents this full ordered hierarchy of actions creation. The tree is encoded as a flat-list each array element being a triplet (encoded in an array): [nodeId, parentId, actionIndex]. Each triplet in the list represents a tree node. The first element of the triplet is a unique id for the node among all nodes in the tree. The second is the parent’s node id, a value of -1 means it’s a root node. The third is the action index within the transaction to map this creation node to, going depth-first in inline_actions, 0-based indexed.

Here an example of creation tree’s flat list, an execution tree and its corresponding creation tree.

`CreationTree` flat-list received as response from us

    [0, -1, 0],
    [1, 0, 1],
    [2, 1, 3],
    [3, 1, 9],
    [4, 0, 2],
    [5, 0, 4],
    [6, 0, 5],
    [7, 0, 7],
    [8, 6, 8],
    [9, 6, 6],
Execution traces within the transaction

Execution Tree              (actionIndex 0)
    ├── notify1             (actionIndex 1)
    ├── notify2             (actionIndex 2)
    ├── notify3             (actionIndex 3)
    ├── cf_inline1          (actionIndex 4)
    ├── inline1             (actionIndex 5)
    │   ├── notify4         (actionIndex 6)
    │   ├── cf_inline2      (actionIndex 7)
    │   └── inline3         (actionIndex 8)
    └── inline2             (actionIndex 9)
Represented creation tree, constructed using `CreationTree` flat-list and execution traces

Creation Tree               (0, -1, actionIndex 0)
    ├── notify1             (1, 0, actionIndex 1)
    │   ├── notify3         (2, 1, actionIndex 3)
    │   └── inline2         (3, 1, actionIndex 9)
    ├── notify2             (4, 0, actionIndex 2)
    ├── cf_inline1          (5, 0, actionIndex 4)
    └── inline1             (6, 0, actionIndex 5)
        ├── cf_inline2      (7, 6, actionIndex 7)
        ├── inline3         (8, 6, actionIndex 8)
        └── notify4         (9, 6, actionIndex 6)